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Thanks for the nostalgia!!! So cool! You even dropped Phantasmagoria in there!???

It’s incredible how every single detail is put in place. More than once I was feeling blue and I saw one of your pictures and it completely made my day

You’re stuff is incredible, you’ve given me a lot of inspiration and you’re concepts are heaps original. Thanks!

Dude I cannot thank you enough for bringing these things to live. They all touch my heart deep inside

This is a crazy piece of work! Much love. So much respect for your craft. No one will ever understand how much detail you put into this

Absolutely beautiful! You captured pure nostalgic joy at its finest! ?

I love how accurate your art is!
It's cool to see all the stuff we had as kids! Awesome work

This is actually an incredible work of art

This brings back so many great memories. Keep up the good work!

Oh man, you describe my childhood with this ? RE4, Bleach, Death Note, Naruto, Linkin Park.. this amazing art is for those that we borne between 91 and 95.
Thanks a lot for this, i will purchase this one.

Love your art, you really nailed it with the details on this one. The Jansport backpack, the Korn, Slipknot, Linkin Park stickers & posters, the Eragon books, and hand written cheat codes! Excellent work! Love it!

Man bro i'm about to shed a tear looking at this art man just takes me back to when things were simple in life when we didn't have no worries all we did was play video games go to Blockbusters for games all the time ????

Man i swear i'm gonna buy one of these. Me n my wife bought a house and i've been trying to stack some money up.

Man i love all the little details you put in to your designs. it makes it all so much more lifelike. Like some one lived there placed stuff there, it shows a story in it's own. ??Keep up the great job.

Beautiful work. Nostalgia at its finest. Wish i could jump into these poster and relive similar moments. ??

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