
General questions :

What methods of payment do you accept ?

We accept all major credit cards, as well as easy check out options through PayPal.

Are you open to collaboration ?

Of course! You just need to send us the details of your offer to our email address: [email protected]

Who do I contact for support ?

You need help; no worries contact us by email at the following address: [email protected]

Commission Work :

How much does an Commission Work cost ?

It depends on the order; you have to fill in the Commission Work form here, with all the details you want to include in the art.
You will receive an answer ASAP with the price and other information.

When will I receive my Commission Work ?

After receiving the details of your Commission Work, we will give you a time limit for delivery.
NOTE: the delay depends on the level of difficulty of the art as well as the number of commission works we received, in the order of arrival of requests you will receive yours on a first-come, first-served basis.

What is the size of the file I will receive ?

You will receive the file in the size that suits you best, which can be up to 2395x3536 pixels / 300dpi.

Copyright © 2024 Rachid Lotf

rachidlotf.com is a brand of MIDOLI LTD. Registered in England and Wales No: 12165201

Dephna House, 7 Coronation Road - London - NW10 7PQ - United Kingdom